Piccolino Chairs

Short description

Piccolino Chairs is a designer furniture start-up from Aarau, which produces an advanced form of Swedish chairs. With your Piccolino worn on your back, you sit comfortably, no matter what time of day and without much effort - no matter where you are.


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About us

Piccolino Chairs was founded in 2021 by Lino Haefeli to make the world a little more comfortable with practical plug-in chairs. Handcrafted with great attention to detail, Haefeli produces one-of-a-kind pieces that combine quality and aesthetics in equal measure. The two-piece Piccolinos are made of oiled Swiss spruce wood and covered with fabric in a variety of colors and patterns. The light weight and a leather handle mounted on the side make transporting these handy chairs child's play. It is just as easy to reassemble the model afterwards - a few simple steps are all it takes to set up the comfortable seating. 
It all began when Haefeli further developed a precursor of today's Piccolino for private use. The prototype quickly attracted attention and interested people approached its creator about it. Soon after, Haefeli created another model at home: the Piccolino. He was so pleased with the result that he produced another four, which were sold the very next day. Since then, more and more people have been enjoying the pretty seat for people on the go. The good feedback from his customers motivates Haefeli to continue his project to this day.