Product Giardina 2023

Simple, odourless and natural composting

Every year, over 500,000 tonnes of organic waste end up in the bin in Switzerland. This means that Mr. and Mrs. Swiss fill the Prime Tower in Zurich 5 times a year. WormUp has set itself the goal of ensuring that no more organic waste ends up in normal waste. Bring on simple and odourless composting

Making worm composting socially acceptable - WormUp was born out of this incentive. The motivation: to contribute to the change from today's linear economy to a circular society. A society in which there is no waste, only resources. Resources that are preserved, transformed and used further. Just like in nature. In our opinion, recycling organic waste at home should be just as normal as recycling glass or paper. Because: Transporting organic waste around is not necessary! In addition, witnessing the animals in the composter and their "magic" in transforming waste into humus sensitises big and small in dealing with resources and natural processes. Composting grounds us and makes us happy, as the many positive feedbacks show us again and again. We would like to multiply this effect.

Different products for every life situation

WormUp develops practical and stylish worm composting systems made of ceramic and wood. The elegant composters are designed for use at home. Depending on the living situation, the WormUp HOME indoor composter is suitable for the flat or the balcony, the WormUp TUBE compost tube for the flower bed or the WormUp SCALE for outdoor areas in case of larger quantities of waste in the home or e.g. in gastronomy. Everyone can compost their own organic waste and produce the best plant fertiliser. The range is rounded off by worm composter accessories and our raised bed made entirely in Switzerland from durable larch wood.