Impressive figures
Figures are based on surveys for Giardina 2024 and the media analysis.
64'000 visitors in 6 days
Private visitors | 85% |
Women | 60% |
First-time visitors | around 20'000 |
Visitor ratings
74% of visitors |
rate the quality of the exhibitors as good to excellent |
60% of visitors |
recommend visiting Giardina |
82% of visitors |
rate their visit as good to very good |
Age groups
Under 25 years of age | 1% |
25 -44 years of age | 17% |
45 - 64 years of age | 53% |
65+ years of age | 29% |
Visitors from Switzerland (94%)
Zurich | 38% |
Eastern Switzerland | 16% |
Northern Switzerland | 19% |
Bern/Solothurn | 13% |
Central Switzerland | 13% |
Werstern Switzerland/Ticino | 1% |
Investment intentions
Every 10th exhibitor expects sales of more than CHF 100'000 thanks to the participation at the Giardina.
51% of visitors have bought or ordered something at the Giardina.
34% of visitors have intentions of investing the following amounts based on their Giardina visit:
Up to CHF 1000.- | 10'240 visitors | CHF 10'150'000.- |
Up to CHF 5'000.- | 5'760 visitors | CHF 28'800'000.- |
Up to CHF 10'000.- | 2'560 visitors | CHF 25'600'000.- |
More than 10'000.- | 2'560 visitors | CHF 25'700'000.- |
Altogether 21'120 visitors have intentions of investing more than CHF 90'252'000.
Media clipping report
Giardina invests every year in the strong media exposure to promote the event and the exhibitors.