Service Giardina 2023

As a VSBS association member you benefit from many advantages

The Association of Swiss Bonsai and Suiseki Friends VSBS promotes the spread of the art of bonsai and suiseki, brings its members closer to the knowledge of these traditional Japanese art forms and encourages an active debate for their own ways.


Despite its small area, Switzerland's diverse landscape is particularly inspiring for bonsai and suiseki enthusiasts: the mighty mountains of the Alps, the gentle foothills of the Alps, the varied Jura and the southern-influenced Ticino contrast greatly with the open plains of the Central Plateau. They harbor a rich palette of natural models for bonsai and suiseki: from the alpine weathered fir to the lovely rolling hills of the Emmental.

Many suitable native tree species for the art of bonsai as well as a great geological diversity form the best prerequisites and make Switzerland the ideal bonsai and suiseki country!

To take care of a tree, to shape it and to observe it in its annual cycle or to find suitable stones in the mountains and rivers, to clean them and to develop them is meaningful and satisfying.

Bonsai and Suiseki are great hobbies for anyone who enjoys nature and likes to be creative.