Product Giardina 2023

The most beautiful raised beds, wood storage and fountains of Switzerland

For more than 30 years, Sager Gartengalerie AG has shaped the overall picture of Swiss gardens with high-quality garden objects. The best materials, precise craftsmanship and an eye for beauty always guarantee satisfied customers.

For more than 30 years, Sager Gartengalerie AG has shaped the overall picture of Swiss gardens with high-quality garden objects. The best materials, precise craftsmanship and an eye for beauty always guarantee satisfied customers. Garden centers and over 4,000 horticulturists offer Sager products throughout the country.

Raised beds for every taste

In recent years in particular, Sager Gartengalerie AG has developed into the leading supplier of raised beds, fountains and rose arches. The company pays attention to offer a diverse range of raised beds. The extensive range now extends from raised beds for use in the garden, on the terrace or on the balcony to barrier-free raised beds that were developed especially for people with severe physical disabilities. All important materials, such as wood, metal and stone are used in the production of raised beds.

New product for wood storage

Less than a year ago, Sager Gartengalerie AG introduced its latest development to the Swiss market. The wood store is already well established and has found a place in many Swiss gardens and living spaces. With the wood store, a new market was opened up, which also enables interesting projects outside of the gardening season.

Everything available custom-sized

The standard range of Sager Gartengalerie AG is incredibly large. Whether raised bed, fountains, gazebos or wood stores, everyone will find the right object in the right size. However, the situation on site sometimes does not allow the standard to fit. That is why  Sager also offers custom-made products. Whatever your mind can conceive - a deeper raised bed? Half a rose arch fixed to the wall of your house? A longer fountain made of raw rusting steel? The wishes of our customers are diverse and we can fulfill them all.

On the website you will find all the information you need.

Sager Gartengalerie AG

Sonnenstrasse 8

9434 Au SG

071 794 12 43