Kobel Gartengestaltung AG

Kobel Gartengestaltung AG

Short description

Garden design, planning, execution and maintenance of special gardens.

from Bubikon, Switzerland



Timon Wyss
Peter Lang
Raphael Wäfler
Isabelle Goetz
2596 Following
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1991 Company foundation

Hansueli Kobel founded his gardening company in 1991 with two or three marginalized people from the former drug scene in Zurich, the Platzspitz. Responsibility towards socially disadvantaged young people has always been an important concern for us.

With few, simple means but all the more motivation, the young company cultivated the first customer gardens. The company site in Männedorf consisted of a cupboard in the garden for storing tools. The shredding service was an important pillar right from the start. 

After a year, the first gardener was hired. "That was the most difficult decision in the company's entire history," says Hansueli Kobel today.

The workforce doubled from one day to the next.


Bubikon, Switzerland
Industriestr. 1
8608 Bubikon


Hansueli Kobel

Hansueli Kobel

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